Edie Lau’s guide to Safety again! Because it’s STILL Super Cool
Stuff that should be suuuuper obvious, but maybe it’s not, so please read on!

This is a repeat page! I try to be clear and consistent with everything :)

  • You will be undergoing a health check which happens before your booking time starts and if all goes well, you will then be jumping in the shower - an actual thorough shower.

  • If your health check fails, your booking and deposit will be kept by me.

  • All services are covered. No Balloon, No Party.
    Do not pressure me to do natural services.

  • Keep your vices in moderation please. If you get to the stage where you are ‘sorry for partyrocking,’
    Edie will not be ‘sorry for ending the booking’ (but you might be). I have my own boundaries and will not respond enthusiastically to pressure from losers!

  • Edie is all about Communication, Consent and Safety.
    Unsafe and boundary pushing behaviour is not tolerated. Your booking ends when you do the wrong thing.
    You will be asked to leave, forfeiting your whole booking + fee.

  • This list would probably not exist if people were ‘excellent to each other’ all the time, but here we are AGAIN.
    However, communicating clearly is something I pride myself on and I appreciate you reading this, hopefully for the second time.

    Have more questions? Please see Edie Lau’s FAQ here: https://www.edielau.com/faq
    Do you have Date-related questions? Edie Lau’s Date FAQ here: https://www.edielau.com/dateediefaq